What does FBC Approved mean?
In case it is not obvious ,”FBC,” stands for Florida Building Code. Once a product has been approved it can be used state wide without further documentation. It is a formal state approval that shows builders, architects, engineers and building officials/ inspectors that the product has completed rigorous testing and meets the standards specified in the FBC. The Florida Building Code Product Approval system only applies to products and systems which make up the building envelope and structural frame and is broken down into categories. Applications for state approval by the Florida Building Commission must be made online at www.floridabuilding.org. Once the Commission approves a product, it must be accepted by local jurisdictions. This is to ensure uniformity state wide.
We explain all this to highlight the importance of using an FBC approved product. We can’t state enough, details matter, and using the correct product for a proper application is vital. It also shows that there really is no question whether or not a product can be used if it has an FBC approval and is being used in the manner for which it was intended.
Here at MPC of Tallahassee, we don’t have a one size fits all mentality; we look at each house and decide what fits best, while meeting the criteria needed. When we file for permits we include all the connectors that will be used on the home, along with the FBC approval documentation. Below are some examples of the common RTW connectors we use.